What we need?

We are looking for a suitable property (or properties) where the entire planned complex can be built. On the property, we can accommodate:

An arena with a capacity of up to 5 thousand people. Parking areas, including camper parking. Camping area. Festival ground for up to 10 thousand people. Fairground, dining area. Promenade with a family entertainment object. Accommodation and restaurant building. Tiny houses for accommodation. Auxiliary facilities (kitchen, storage, etc.). An area for producing solar energy for own consumption.

Criteria for the Ideal Location


Starting at 20 hectares. There's no strict upper limit. We'll consider smaller areas, but for instance, anything under 10 hectares wouldn't accommodate our entire planned program.


Mostly flat, but the property/properties can also have areas with varying elevations, up to a height difference of 20m (amphitheater), which would certainly add intrigue. The soil should be dry (not swamp or bog), earthy, natural grassland, with as little forest as possible. The arena should be positioned at a higher point to be visible from a considerable distance.


Ideal access would be an asphalt road up to the property's boundary. If that's not feasible, the property shouldn't be further than 1 km from a paved road, though the arena should ideally be visible from the road. The access road must be sufficiently wide and of good quality to accommodate a large number of vehicles (1200+ cars during major events). Proximity to a railway would be a significant advantage. Roads can be upgraded or expanded, but legal provisions must be in place for such improvements.

Surrounding population

Neighbors should be as distant as possible.

Water bodies

A bonus would be a lake or river. The possibility to dig our own pond or lake inlet is appreciated.


Situated in a scenic location, our ideal spot would be no more than 30 km and at most 40 km away from a major city.

Potential Land Providers

Local Municipalities
Individual Landowners
Real Estate Funds
The State/Government
Anyone with a suitable landholding.

We will select the appropriate property or properties in collaboration with the local municipality where it is located, especially if they genuinely desire such a project in their jurisdiction and are willing to assist with local administration and contributions.

Once we identify a suitable landholding, we will begin negotiations with the owner.